i write, and therefore i am.

biking is my city

the beauty of city biking is a glorious activity. i fully enjoy the enhanced lifestyle as soon as i put my foot on the pedal and give it a whirl. the fresh air, the busy noise, and most importantly the lack of oil use for transportation gives me a high.

summer is slowly dissipating into autumn and i’m trying to embrace every second of it. not summer but the change into autumn. as much as i like summer and autumn, it’s the threshold between that makes me nostalgic. it leaves me in a time to reminisce as well as look into the future. this time is the best time of the year. so many emotions, memories, and excitement are attached to this time of year.

starting a new school year, ending summer vacations, holidays approaching, cute chic fall jackets, shopping for winter accessories and christmas presents, autumn leaves, crunchy sidewalks, brisk walks, skies filled with migrating birds, intense heat with cool breezes, everyone trying to hold their last bbq of the year, taking advantage of every last warm bearable day, scary movies, halloween spirit, lots of chocolate candy sales, halloween decor, raking leaves, jumping into them. i could go on forever…

i love you, chicago autumn biking!

One response

  1. Zahabiya

    I love this post… It captures my feeling about the in-between period between summer and fall perfectly. Chic Fall Jackets – definitely one of my favorite things 🙂

    March 22, 2012 at 12:26 am

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